Concerning frequent communion of the immaculate mysteries of Christ : including a thorough explanation of the Lord's Prayer, an apology for frequent communion, answers to objections and clarifications of misconceptions, and two appendices in the Divine Eucharist / by our righteous God-bearing father Nikodemos the Hagiorite ; translated by Fr. George Dokos
. - Thessalonica : Uncut Mountain Press, 2006
. - 241 p. : ill.; 21 cm
. -(The Works of Saint Nikodemos the Hagiorite ; 2)
Μετάφραση του: Βιβλίον ψυχωφελέστατον περί της συνεχούς μεταλήψεως των αχράντων του Χριστού μυστηρίων.
Includes scriptual index and index of subjects and names.
ISBN 9608677858 (pbk.)