The lives of Simeon Stylites / translated, with an introduction, by Robert Doran ; foreword by Susan Ashbrook Harvey
. - Kalamazoo, Michigan : Cistercian Publications, 1992
. - 241 p. : ill., maps; 22 cm
. -(Cistercian Studies ; 112)
Map on lining papers.
Includes English translations of two Greek biographies by Theodoret and Antonius, and an anonymous Syriac version.
Περιεχόμενα: 1. The life of Saint Simeon Stylites / by Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus. 2. The life and daily mode of living of Blessed Simeon the Stylite / by Antonius. 3. The Syriac life of Saint Simeon Stylites.
ISBN 0879074124 (hbk.)