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Tolstoi Lev Nikolaevich (1828-1910)
- Tolstoi Lev Nikolaevich (1828-1910) Ερμηνεία και κριτική
Entry Personal Name
001 - Record Identifier
- control field: 5585
005 - Version Identifier
- control field: 20240818113000.0
100 ## - General Processing Data
- General processing data: 20180920agrey50 ga0
152 ## - RULES
- Subject system: NP
200 #1 - Authorized Access Point - Personal Name
- Entry element: Tolstoi
- Part of name other than entry element: Lev Nikolaevich
- Dates: 1828-1910
- Topical subdivision: Ερμηνεία και κριτική
400 ## - Variant Access Point - Personal Name
- Entry element: Τολστόι
- Part of name other than entry element: Λέων
- Dates: 1828-1910
- Topical subdivision: Ερμηνεία και κριτική
500 #1 - Related Access Point - Personal Name
- Entry element: Tolstoi
- Part of name other than entry element: Lev Nikolaevich
- Dates: 1828-1910
- Relationship control: g
- Authority record identifier: 5248
686 ## - Other Classification Numbers
- System code: ΙΜΠ
- Class number, single or beginning of a range: TolL
700 ## - Authorized Access Point in Other Language and/or Script - Personal Name
- Entry element: Толстой
- Part of name other than entry element: Л. Н.
- Expansion of initials of forename: Лев Николаевич
- Dates: 1828-1910
- Topical subdivision: Ερμηνεία και κριτική