Õigeusu palveraamat (Record no. 6317)

MARC details
000 -Record Label
fixed length control field 02668nam a2200361 4500
005 - Version Identifier
control field 20241102000524.0
010 ## - International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Number (ISBN) 9789985970331
Qualification hbk.
100 ## - General Processing Data
General Processing Data 20100924d2006 m||y0grey50 ba
101 0# - Language of the Resource
Language of Text, Soundtrack etc. [est] Εσθονικά
102 ## - Country of Publication or Production
Country of publication Εσθονία
105 ## - Coded Data Field: Textual Material, Monographic
Monograph Coded Data ao w 000gy
106 ## - Coded Data Field: Textual Material - Physical Attributes
Form of resource: Coded Data: Medium Designator r
200 1# - Title and Statement of Responsibility
Title Proper Õigeusu palveraamat
First Statement of Responsibility toimetanud Mattias Palli
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility laulud: Kristi Sarapuu, Taimi Kopli
-- kujundus ja vinjetid: Inga Heamäg
205 ## - Edition Statement
Edition Statement 2., parand. ja täiend. tr.
210 ## - Publication, Distribution, etc.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc. Tallinn (Eesti)
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc. Eesti Apostlik-Õigeusu Kiriku
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc. 2007
215 ## - Physical Description
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item 266, [1] lk.
Dimensions ill., noot.
Other Physical Details 18 cm.
327 ## - Contents Note
Text of Note Sisaldab ka: Kiriku- ja palvelaule: 1. Taevane Kuningas. 2. Meie Isa. 3. On kohus. 4. Lunasta, oh Issand. 5. Tropar piiskopmärter Platonile : "Auväärne isa Platon...". 6. Kondak piiskopmärter Platonile : "Oma heategude ja piiritu kaastunde eeskujuga...". 7. Tropar 1. viisil : "Et küll juudid hauakivi...". 8. Tropar 2. viisil : "Kui Sa alla läksid surmale...". 9. Tropar 3. viisil : "Hõisaku taevakodakondsed...". 10. Tropar 4. viisil : "Kui Issanda järelkäijad naised...". 11. Tropar 5. viisil : "Oh usklikud, laulgem ja kummardagem seda Sõna...". 12. Tropar 6. viisil : "Inglite väed ilmusid Su haua juures...". 13. Tropar 7. viisil : "Sa hukkasid oma ristiga surma...". 14. Tropar 8. viisil : "Sa tulid ülevalt, oh Helde...". 15. Kui suur on Siionis / D. Bortnjanski ; sõn.: V. Raska. 16. Harva elumeri rahus / C. C. Converse ; sõn.: V. Verlok. 17. Pea käske! : "Kui raskel elutunnil..." / K. Ernits. 18. Sina, kallis Lepitaja / J. Hütsi. 19. Jumalat ma tahan kiita ; 20. Templisse palvele / V. Paivel. 21. Kui armsad on / A. Ramul ; sõn.: A. Allik. 22. Sind tänan, Jumal / muusika ja sõn.: A. Ramul. 23. Õpeta mind palvetama / muusika ja sõn.: V. Verlok. 24. Issand! Sinu hoolde / viis: Issand, Sa mind. 25. Templitornist kellaheli.
541 ## - Translated Title Supplied by Cataloguer
Translated Title [Ορθόδοξο προσευχητάριο]
Other Title Information Ταλίν: Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία της Εσθονίας, 2007.
Language of Translated Title gre
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element προσευχητάρια
Koha number 9989
601 02 - Corporate Body Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία
Koha number 8437
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element ορθόδοξη λατρεία
Koha number 9799
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element εκκλησιαστικοί ύμνοι
Koha number 9036
675 ## - Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)
Number 264-63/-68
676 ## - Dewey Decimal Classification
Number 242.80194798
Edition 23rd
686 ## - Other Class Numbers
System Code ΙΜΠ
Class number Μ4
Classification Subdivision Προσευχητάρια
601 02 - Corporate Body Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Ορθόδοξη Αποστολική Εκκλησία της Εσθονίας
Koha number 2270
701 #1 - Personal Name - Alternative Responsibility
Entry Element Palli
Part of Name Other than Entry Element Mattias
Dates 1966-
Relator Code [340] Επιμελητής έκδοσης
Koha number 2271
711 02 - Corporate Body Name - Alternative Responsibility
Entry Element Ορθόδοξη Αποστολική Εκκλησία της Εσθονίας
Relator Code [650] Εκδότης
Koha number 2270
801 #0 - Originating Source
Country GR
Agency ΙΜΠ
Date of Transaction 20100924
Cataloguing Rules (Descriptive Conventions) AACR2
990 ## -
-- 0
Source of classification or shelving scheme Dewey Decimal Classification
Koha item type Book
Withdrawn status Damaged status Lost status Source of classification or shelving scheme Date acquired Copy number Home library Current library Shelving location Barcode Collection Price effective from Full call number Not for loan Koha item type Total checkouts Date last seen
      Dewey Decimal Classification 2015-10-11 1 Paraklitos Library Paraklitos Library Κεντρικά Βιβλιοστάσια 39900000002696 Λατρεία & Τυπικό 2023-09-01 242.80194798 ΟΑΕΕ PalM op 2007   Book   2023-09-01

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