Μεγάλοι μύστες (Record no. 21826)

MARC details
000 -Record Label
fixed length control field 02710nam a2200517 4500
005 - Version Identifier
control field 20240731163149.0
010 ## - International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Qualification pbk.
100 ## - General Processing Data
General Processing Data 20160714f19801999m||y0grey50 ga
101 1# - Language of the Resource
Language of Text, Soundtrack etc. [gre] Ελληνικά, Σύγχρονα (1453-...)
Language of Original Work [fre] Γαλλικά
102 ## - Country of Publication or Production
Country of publication Ελλάδα
105 ## - Coded Data Field: Textual Material, Monographic
Monograph Coded Data y z 000yc
106 ## - Coded Data Field: Textual Material - Physical Attributes
Form of resource: Coded Data: Medium Designator r
200 1# - Title and Statement of Responsibility
Title Proper Μεγάλοι μύστες
Other Title Information Ράμα - Κρίσνα - Ερμής - Μωυσής - Ορφέας - Πυθαγόρας - Πλάτων - Ιησούς
First Statement of Responsibility Εδουάρδος Συρέ
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility μετάφραση Ρίτα Σουρμελή
210 ## - Publication, Distribution, etc.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc. Αθήνα
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc. Κάκτος
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc. [1981]
215 ## - Physical Description
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item 493 σ.
Dimensions 21 εκ.
304 ## - Notes Pertaining to Title and Statement of Responsibility
Text of Note Μετάφραση του: Les grands initiés : esquisse de l'histoire secrète des religions / par Édouard Schuré.
305 ## - Notes Pertaining to Edition and Bibliographic History
Text of Note Επανέκδοση 1996.
327 ## - Contents Note
Text of Note Περιεχόμενα: Ράμα, ο άριος κύκλος. -- Κρίσνα, η Ινδία και η βραχμανική μύηση. -- Ερμής, Τα μυστήρια της Αιγύπτου. -- Μωυσής, η αποστολή του Ισραήλ. -- Ορφέας, τα μυστήρια του Διονύσου. -- Πυθαγόρας, τα μυστήρια των Δελφών. -- Πλάτων, τα ελευσίνια μυστήρια. -- Ιησούς, η αποστολή του Χριστού.
488 ## - Other Related Works
Bibliographic Record Identifier 3393
Title Οι μεγάλοι άνδρες της ανθρωπότητος
500 ## - Preferred Access Point
Preferred access point Les grands initiés
Language (when part of a heading) gre
Koha number 1123
600 #0 - Personal Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Μωυσής
Additions to Name Other than Dates Αγιορείτης Μοναχός
Dates 1952-2014
Koha number 118
600 #0 - Personal Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Πλάτων
Dates 427-347 π.Χ.
Koha number 1124
600 #0 - Personal Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Ιησούς Χριστός
Koha number 1125
600 #0 - Personal Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Πυθαγόρας ο Σάμιος
Dates 6ος αι. π.Χ.
Koha number 1127
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Ορφεύς (Ελληνική μυθολογία)
Koha number 1129
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Ερμής (Ελληνική θεότητα)
Koha number 1130
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Ραμά (Ινδουϊστική θεότητα)
Koha number 1131
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Ελευσίνια μυστήρια
Koha number 1133
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Κρίσνα (Ινδουιστική θεότητα)
Koha number 1132
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Πυθαγόρειοι
Koha number 1128
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element θρησκειολογία
Koha number 9285
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element θρησκείες
Koha number 9284
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element συγκριτική θρησκειολογία
Koha number 10103
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element θρησκευτικός συγκρητισμός
Koha number 9297
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element αποκρυφισμός
Koha number 8628
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element μυστικισμός
Koha number 9681
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Θεοσοφία
Koha number 9267
676 ## - Dewey Decimal Classification
Number 290.0922
Edition 23rd
686 ## - Other Class Numbers
System Code ΙΜΠ
Class number Θ1
Classification Subdivision Θρησκειολογία
700 #1 - Personal Name - Primary Responsibility
Entry Element Schuré
Part of Name Other than Entry Element Édouard
Dates 1841-1929
Relator Code [070] Συγγραφέας
Koha number 1121
702 #1 - Personal Name - Secondary Responsibility
Entry Element Σουρμελή
Part of Name Other than Entry Element Ρίτα
Relator Code [730] Μεταφραστής
Koha number 3043
801 #0 - Originating Source
Country GR
Agency ΙΜΠ
Cataloguing Rules (Descriptive Conventions) AACR2
Date of Transaction 20160903
990 ## -
-- 0
Source of classification or shelving scheme Dewey Decimal Classification
Koha item type Book
Withdrawn status Damaged status Lost status Source of classification or shelving scheme Date acquired Copy number Home library Current library Shelving location Barcode Collection Price effective from Full call number Not for loan Koha item type Total checkouts Date last seen
      Dewey Decimal Classification 2016-07-14 1 Paraklitos Library Paraklitos Library Κεντρικά Βιβλιοστάσια 39900000001637 Βιογραφίες ιστορικές 2023-09-01 290.0922 SchE g/μ [1981;]   Book   2023-09-01

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