Elder Macarius of Optina (Record no. 14598)

MARC details
000 -Record Label
fixed length control field 03153nam a2200397 4500
005 - Version Identifier
control field 20240731163122.0
010 ## - International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Number (ISBN) 0938635581
Qualification pbk.
100 ## - General Processing Data
General Processing Data 20230901 grey50
101 1# - Language of the Resource
Language of Text, Soundtrack etc. [eng] Αγγλικά
Language of Original Work [rus] Ρωσικά
102 ## - Country of Publication or Production
Country of publication Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής
105 ## - Coded Data Field: Textual Material, Monographic
Monograph Coded Data ac z 001yb
106 ## - Coded Data Field: Textual Material - Physical Attributes
Form of resource: Coded Data: Medium Designator r
200 1# - Title and Statement of Responsibility
Title Proper Elder Macarius of Optina
First Statement of Responsibility Fr. Leonid Kavelin
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility translated by Valentina V. Lyovina
210 ## - Publication, Distribution, etc.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc. Platina, California
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc. Saint Herman of Alaska Brotherhood
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc. 1995
215 ## - Physical Description
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item 386 p.
Other Physical Details ill.
Dimensions 21 cm
225 2# - Series
Series Title The Optina Elders Series
Volume Designation 3
300 ## - General Notes
Text of Note Translation of: Сказание о жизни и подвигах блаженной памяти старца Оптиной пустыни иеросхимонаха Макария, составленное оной же пустыни / и. Леонид. - Москва : тип. В. Готье, 1861.
330 ## - Summary or Abstract
Text of Note During the 19th century Optina Monastery became a herald of the spiritual revival in Russia through the publication of spiritual literature by the Elders.<br/>Elder Macarius was instrumental in proposing the independent publication of patristic literature--an enterprise of historical significance, possible primarily through the patronage of Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow and a host of contributing participants, and which was centered in Optina Monastery.<br/>Outstanding philosophers and writers of the time, such as Dostoyevsky and Gogol, began visiting Optina in their search for truth. Among them was Ivan V. Kireyevsky, who would become the most devoted spiritual son of Elder Macarius and his chief collaborator in editing patristic literature. The brief biographies of Kireyevsky and other disciples of Elder Macarius contained in this volume show the amazing influence of this humble elder throughout Russia.<br/>ELDER MACARIUS OF OPTINA is a translation of the prima vita written by one of his closest disciples Archimandrite Leonid Kavelin--a man of a great literary talent. The third volume of The Optina Elders Series contains rare memoirs discovered years later shedding light on the mystical aspect of this spiritual director of uncommon caliber--a modern Church Father who has left a legacy of deeply inspiring letters.
410 #1 - Series
Title The Optina Elders Series
Volume Number 3
453 ## - Translated as
Bibliographic Record Identifier 21304
Author Μπότσης, Πέτρος
Title Στάρετς Μακάριος της Όπτινα
500 ## - Preferred Access Point
Preferred access point Сказание о жизни и подвигах блаженной памяти старца Оптиной пустыни иеросхимонаха Макария
Language (when part of a heading) eng
Koha number 2953
600 #0 - Personal Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Makarii
Additions to Name Other than Dates Ieroskhimonakh, Optinskii starets
Dates 1788-1860
Koha number 1644
601 02 - Corporate Body Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Optina Pustyn
Addition to Name or Qualifier Kozelsk, Russia
Koha number 2903
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element μοναχοί
Koha number 9652
601 02 - Corporate Body Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Ρωσική Εκκλησία
Koha number 8455
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element στάρτσι
Koha number 10084
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element βιογραφία
Koha number 8750
607 ## - Geographical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Ρωσία
Koha number 2709
676 ## - Dewey Decimal Classification
Number 271.819092
Edition 23rd
686 ## - Other Class Numbers
System Code ΙΜΠ
Class number Δ5
Classification Subdivision Μοναχοί
700 #0 - Personal Name - Primary Responsibility
Entry Element Leonid
Part of Name Other than Entry Element (Kavelin, Lev Aleksandrovich)
Additions to Names Other than Dates Archimandrite
Dates 1822-1891
Relator Code [070] Συγγραφέας
Koha number 2942
702 #1 - Personal Name - Secondary Responsibility
Entry Element Lyovina
Part of Name Other than Entry Element Valentina V.
Relator Code [730] Μεταφραστής
Koha number 2943
801 #0 - Originating Source
Country GR
Agency ΙΜΠ
Date of Transaction 20100924
Cataloguing Rules (Descriptive Conventions) AACR2
Koha issues (borrowed), all copies 1
Source of classification or shelving scheme Dewey Decimal Classification
Koha item type Book
Withdrawn status Damaged status Lost status Source of classification or shelving scheme Date acquired Copy number Home library Current library Shelving location Barcode Collection Price effective from Full call number Date last checked out Not for loan Koha item type Total checkouts Date last seen
      Dewey Decimal Classification 2016-05-20 1 Paraklitos Library Paraklitos Library Κεντρικά Βιβλιοστάσια 39900000003349 Αγιολογία & Εκκλησιαστικές μορφές 2023-09-01 271.819092 MakO LeoK с/em LyoV 1995 2016-05-20   Book   2023-09-01

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