Freedom from inward conflict, being a compendium made by C.W. Daniel of Metaphysics & modern research, by I.C. Isbyam, which puts before the reader "such considerations as will facilitate the natural entry and working of the spirit of truth in his mind"
Freedom from inward conflict : being a compendium made by C.W. Daniel of Metaphysics & modern research, by I.C. Isbyam, which puts before the reader "such considerations as will facilitate the natural entry and working of the spirit of truth in his mind" / I. C. Isbyam ; C.W. Daniel . - London : The C. W. Daniel Company, 1934 . - 58 p.; 19 cm
ISBN (hbk.)
Πνευματική υπευθυνότητα: Isbyam, I. C. - [070] Συγγραφέας /
Δευτερεύουσα πνευματική υπευθυνότητα: Daniel, Charles William (1871-1955) - [340] Επιμελητής έκδοσης /
ddc 110
τοπ. Π3
Θέματα : φιλοσοφία / μεταφυσική /
αρ.αντ. | Τίτλος τόμου/αντιτύπου | Τοποθεσία | τόμος | Ταξιθέτηση | Κατάσταση |
1 | 110 IsbI m DanC 1934 |