The mystery of gender and human sexuality, the proceedings of a conference of the Canadian Centre for Biblical and Patristic Studies at the Monastery of All Saints of North America, Dewdney, B.C.
The mystery of gender and human sexuality : the proceedings of a conference of the Canadian Centre for Biblical and Patristic Studies at the Monastery of All Saints of North America, Dewdney, B.C. / Lazar Puhalo . - Dewdney, B.C., Canada : Synaxis Press, 1996 . - 111 p.; 20 cm
The Mystery of Gender and Human Sexuality is a collection of four essays written by Archbishop Lazar Puhalo, Dr. Kharalambos Anstall, and George S. Gabriel. Each attempts to extrapolate a theological and ecclesiological vision of gender and marriage within the Orthodox Tradition. The Mystery of Gender and Human Sexuality was published in 1996 by Synaxis Press in Dewdney, B.C. Canada.
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Gender as prophecy and revelation / by Lazar Puhalo -- 2. "Male and female He created them" an examination of the mystery of human gender / by Kharalambos Anstall -- 3. "You call my words immodest": On the undefiled marriage bed / by George S. Gabriel -- 4. The mystery and meaning of love and marriage / by Lazar Puhalo.
ISBN (pbk.)
Εναλλακτική πνευματική υπευθυνότητα: Puhalo, Lazar (1941-) - [070] Συγγραφέας / Anstall, Kharalambos - [070] Συγγραφέας / Gabriel, George S. - [070] Συγγραφέας /
ddc 261.8357
lcc BX344
τοπ. Κ2
Θέματα : χριστιανική ανθρωπολογία / χριστιανισμός / σεξουαλικότητα / αγάπη / έρωτας / γάμος /
αρ.αντ. | Τίτλος τόμου/αντιτύπου | Τοποθεσία | τόμος | Ταξιθέτηση | Κατάσταση |
1 | 261.8357 PuhL m 1996 |